субота, 8. новембар 2008.


Spremam se da napišem jedan post o IT infrastrukturi na Univerzitetu Reding, ali nikako da stignem, uvek se neka druga tema ispreči, kao ova sad... naime, ovde umesto indeksa imamo magnetne kartice, kao potvrdu da smo studenti, i sa njima možemo da koristimo biblioteku, ili da koristimo računarske laboratorije, pri čemu u laboratorije ulazimo tako što provučemo karticu kroz čitač, i otključavaju nam se vrata. I, koliko znam, pristup imamo 24/7, znači stalno.

Studentska kartica (imam 018 u broju :) )

Međutim, zbog nekih problema, celoj našoj grupi pristup još nije dozvoljen, pa ne možemo sami da uđemo. Nije da nam trebaju te laboratorije, jer većina nas ima laptopove i pristup internetu iz sobe, pa sve možemo da radimo i odatle, ali kada treba nešto da odštampamo recimo, moramo da odemo u laboratoriju. Ovde je izvesni Dr Ian Bland zadužen za tu registraciju kartica, i pošto nije uspeo da odradi posao kako treba, svima je poslao mejl:

I would like to update you regarding ongoing problems with our cardkey system. Unfortunately, the computer which updates the door controllers has failed and so we are unable to change any of the access permissions on the doors or add any new users. I have been waiting for some time for the service agents to provide a fix but it now transpires that I have to buy a new computer and pay them to reinstall it.

To mitigate the problems, I have decided to open all internal doors so that eligible students can access these rooms. The rooms in question are G44/G46, G40 and Physics 124. Please note that only eligible students should be using G44/G46 and G40. These are postgraduate students on the ACET MSc courses in G44/G46 and final year undergraduate students plus third year MEng students in G40. Can I please ask other students to respect this? Technically, any student can use Physics 124, although this tends to be used most by those on the IT Degrees.
Entry to the building out of hours is more problematic as obviously I cannot open this door to all-comers. Students in the School last year will still be able to get in out of hours as their cards details are still in the door controllers. New students or students not registered with us last year will not be able to gain out of hours access until the situation is rectified.

Needless to say I am doing whatever I can to solve this problem
. I have a new PC on order which the Dell website tells me is now in manufacturer. When this comes, I will engage the service agents to reinstall the control software as soon as is possible. We are aware of the inconvenience this is causing.


Dr Ian Bland,
CEng, BEng, MIET
Systems Manager
School of Systems Engineering
University of Reading
tel: 0118 3788612 (int: 8612)

Znači, čovek se javio da objasni problem, pa još otvorio laboratoriju za sve, čak i one koji ne bi smeli da imaju pristup, samo da bi mi mogli da koristimo. Ja sam inače već štampao nešto u drugoj laboratoriji, što znači da bismo se snašli i bez ove naše, jer je ta druga otvorena, ali čovek otvorio i našu... oseća odgovornost, jer nam uskraćeno korišćenje laboratorije...

E sada, pitanje za našeg cenjenog Dekana Elektronskog fakulteta u Nišu:
da li Vam je, gospodine dekane, palo na pamet da uputite reči izvinjenja svojim studentima prošle godine, kada smo se mesec dana smrzavali po učionicama jer nije bilo grejanja, dok ste se Vi preko medija, iz svog klimatizovanog kabineta, prepucavali sa Dekanom Mašinskog fakulteta oko kotlarnice??? Da li ste osetili bar trunku moralne odgovornosti što smo morali da motamo šalove oko bubrega i sedimo na svojim rukama, jer su stolice bile ledene???

Uzdravlje drugari s Elfaka... nadam se da ćete ove godine imati grejanje...

Za kraj, evo jednog
lepog zapažanja na temu stanja na našem faksu, kao i ovde (Elfak mislim - mada, dovoljno je videti kako izgleda sajt fakulteta, i sve će vam biti jasno)...

2 коментара:

Dejan Pejčić је рекао...

ostao sam bez komentara...

Unknown је рекао...

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